NEW YORK, NOV 12, 2018, 5th Element Group PBC is pleased to announce their Title
Sponsorship of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Forum focused on climate change.
On December 11th the Norwegian Nobel Institute will welcome back to Oslo Al Gore, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former U.S. Vice-President, to deliver the keynote address at this year’s Nobel Peace Prize Forum.
“We are grateful to be part of this important convening of the Nobel Peace Prize Forum,” said 5th Element Group Chairman Vincent Molinari, “because our work to create new instruments for investment toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals aligns closely with efforts to protect against and prevent catastrophic climate change.”
5th Element Group is a global leader in applying frontier technologies and new capital products to Sustainable Development Goal-aligned impact investing and corporate strategies. Sponsorship of the Nobel Peace Prize Forum by 5 th Element Group is part of the company’s efforts, along with InCircl and other SDG Impact Circle partners, to facilitate education, advocacy and collaboration to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Twelve years after Mr. Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and almost three years after the adoption of the Paris Agreement, The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued an alarming report on the risks of a global warming increase above 1.5°C.
Released October 2018, the report stresses the disastrous consequences of what a 2°C increase would mean compared to a 1.5°C increase. The deceptively small difference between these two temperature increases obscures a predicted 10cm rise in sea levels, severe Arctic sea ice decrease, and a loss of 99% of the earth’s coral reefs. With carbon emission levels on the rise, the IPCC warns that “rapid and far-reaching” action is needed in order to keep global warming levels at 1.5°C.
The urgency of this problem cannot be overstated, nor can the need for continued dialogue about the solutions to the climate crisis. Mr. Gore’s keynote address will be followed by a 60-minute panel discussion between four outstanding scientists and climate change experts.
The organizers invite the Forum’s global audience to take part in the discussion by tweeting their #ClimateQuestions2018 to @NPPFOslo from 11 October until 1 December. Questions submitted will be compiled and passed on to the moderator during the Forum’s live broadcast.
More on Nobel Peace Prize Forum can be found here.
5th Element Group PBC is a global marketer with a mission is to deploy frontier technology to create capital that did not exist before, deploy that capital where it has yet to be deployed, and scale new forms of corresponding collaboration. Our vision is to help create a new socio-economic era that closes historic gaps in last mile inclusion and engages the “bottom billion” to take true quantum leaps for humanity, prosperity and planet. Our mandate is to achieve this by repurposing and integrating the most innovative blockchain and smart contract technologies into new impact capital vehicles and products that facilitate digital value exchange.